One of my greatest joys in life is finding a quiet spot to sit and sketch for a while. At the age of just ten I’d join my dad to go sketching on the North Country moors where we lived, and I’ve only grown to love sketching even more in the years since then. I’d love to pass on the enjoyment and the skills to you, too.
When sketching outdoors, quite apart from focussing on that quaint old doorway, or grazing sheep, or a path winding its way through trees you absorb the moment and the environment. The birds singing; the breeze on your face; the dry temperature or cool dampness of the air…
After this course, you’ll be able apply these steps to any sketch you like. (And you’re never alone when you have a sketchbook….
Who’s this workshop suitable for?
This is ideal for anyone: absolute beginners keen to have a go, and also who have attended one of my workshops before. Numbers are small enough for me to help you individually at your own level as well as doing lots of step by step demonstrations.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
· How to simplify what you see: sketching is just creating a quick and simple impression of something
· How to sketchthe objects to make them look solid and 3D using light and shadow
· How to use viewfinders to reduce all that information in front of you and find the best view
· How to use watercolour pens and pencils for super quick shadows and adding a touch of colour
· How to plan where to put your subject on the paper to make a great “composition” (design.)
· How to paint an easy but effective watercolour background or sky
· How to make things look 3D with light and shadow effects
· How to make things appear to be close up or far away
We’ll work together alternating outdoors ( the views are amazing just steps from the venue) and indoors from my own reference photos from a choice of subject matter. You’ll also be able ot choose what you’d like to sketch if you wish
“Sarah is a wonderful teacher – she does lots of demonstrating and guides you through all the basics of watercolour painting, so that you feel confident that you can actually paint … with paints … on proper paper … with a brush … and know what you’re doing! ”
What’s included:
More than thirty years of Sarah’s experience. Priceless!
All your art materials and equipment including watercolour paper, tubes of the correct paint colours, brushes, palettes, boards, etc.
Basic tea and coffee. (If you drink particularly exotic teas, or use non dairy then please remember to bring some along
Lots of fun and laughter in addition to the art tuition. The workshops have a lovely atmosphere of calm and study , but also lots of moments of friendship and laughter.
And not included?
Accommodation ( I can email you a list of possibilities in the area)
Lunch. Please bring along a packed lunch: there are no shops on the village to grab a sandwich from.
Payment information:
Total Fee: £225 for 2 days
Deposit of £90 to be paid online, the final £135 to be paid on the day.
Please be warned: my courses fill up very quickly !